Tuesday, June 15, 2010


First order of business: Food for Niki and Paige. Vegtables! Avoiding scurvy is always a good thing.

Niki's Tofurky. Fucking hippie.

Next order of business: Jobs.

 First, we have the ever- professional Spaghetti Factory Waitress

And then, there is Ms. Fajita. . . 

Isn't she SO CUTE?

We took a day trip down to Corvallis to visit Mike, Chrissa, Artemis, and Rea. It was great to see everyone, and the girls have gotten so big!

Loki takes a perch on Mike's shoulder.



 The next day, we drove up towards the Columbia River to do some hiking. 

The day began with some good, old fashioned hitch hiking.

The hike was beautiful and meandered through the woods before we made it up to an alpine lake. 


We had a quick picnic by the lake before heading higher up the mountain.



And the day ended with AMAZING sushi (thanks mom!) at Subaro

  . . .  Followed by Niki and Paige commiting Social Suicide at the Boiler Room with a performance of "Your love is my drug"
Before I flew out to Maui the next morning.

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