Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Things 1, 2, 3, and 6: Tetons or BUST(ha ha ha . . . that title is for you, DAD)

Six days off from work: red-eye to Bozeman, lunch with Mike and Greer, and down to the Tetons with Mom, Dad, and Max just in time for an elk siting and a sunset lake hike.


Then a day of canoeing interspersed with more wildlife sitings

The boys decide to go for a swim


Max loves family vacations

Maybe the cutest thing I have ever seen



Ducklings along for a free ride

Fish siting- by far Max's favorite part of the morning

Then, time for an afternoon hike

Pretty waterfall!

With Marmots!


And honeybees, oh my!
(yes, Liesel/Niki, I know you will make fun of that relentlessly)

A quick Safety Dance on the top of the mountain

Before heading down

Even after a quick Moose siting on the way home, Tom wasn't ready to call it a day

Because  you have to GO CRAZY WITH IT!

Saddle Seats

Sampling local beers

The Bar

Bigfoot- he has finally met his match

Day Three begins with shopping in Jackson Hole with Mom

Then a quick hike

Are we awkward enough?


WHAT!?!?! A flower Tom can't identify!?!?!

Spider eats Butterfly

Then a evening wildlife rafting trip.

Waiting for the boat. . . Max still lovin' life!

Bald Eagle siting!

Our guide

Beavers are cute!

Justin Beiber . . . just a normal kid rafting through the Tetons


My time with the fam concludes with another day of hiking around a beautiful lake

And down to a stream

On the way back to the house, a few Bison

And another run-in with Mr. Moose!

The next day, I headed to Big Sky for lunch with Greer and then some hiking with Mikey just outside Bozeman

Pretty lake!

Greer, Mike, and I had dinner outside in Bozeman and enjoyed a passing tribute to Zombies (a parade of over a hundred zombies . . . what? Not weird at all)

Going out in Bozeman!

So good to see my best friends!

In the morning, I had time for a quick breakfast with Mike before flying back to Maui, with a rainbow landing in Kahului! Welcome home!

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